Hi, I’m Nic

Over 30 years ago, at age 17yrs, I began my Yoga journey. I loved gymnastics, movement and was super flexible, loved being upside down ~ so I felt like ‘I did Yoga really good’ because of this (LOL!) Even though the physicaI drew me in, there was an underlying spiritual yearning and curiosity. It was as though I just knew ‘something wasn’t quite right’, I was ‘disconnected’. I explored various styles of Yoga and Meditation with some incredible and diverse teachers. However not until my Teacher Training at age 30yrs did I learn I wasn’t breathing efficiently, had terrible posture and was compensating in every way possible in movement. This came as a surprise to me, to be honest I thought I was going along just fine all these years because “I was so good at the poses”…..and most activities I attempted. I had never given any thought to ‘how’ I breathed, because I just did.

For most my life I had just put up with physical discomfort in many areas of my body; from scoliosis and lumbar spondilolysthesis to hip dysplasia to neck issues to knee reconstructions to digestive dysfunction….with an underlying anxiousness of doubting who I was, how to fit in and how to do life.

Now having supported 1000s of clients in my 21 years as a Teacher, I have witnessed to be true that 85% of us do not breathe efficiently. I have learnt HOW WE BREATHE REALLY MATTERS. It influences our every system in the body including heart rate, digestion, nervous system, our postural alignment and core support. In fact breathing well positively impacts EVERY SINGLE ailment or condition you can name. NOW I get it, I breathe and move functionally and it has changed everything.

I have moved through a myriad of physical ailments, painful injuries, surgeries, stress, grief and life’s challenges with immense gratitude that I know how to breathe well. Knowing how to adjust my breath has provided me with my health, inner-strength and self awareness. It’s ALL in the breath!

Yoga is so much more than the postures + stretching. It’s about integrating feeling present + connected into our everyday lives. We practise breath awareness in both mindful movement and in stillness to find our Yoga (or ‘union’). In mastering our breath we get to ‘know’ our mind, so we can discern from thoughts and ego, allowing connection with our true nature.

Spending time on the mat cultivates peace + internal awareness so we make conscious choices, creating a healthy + purposeful life. Harnessing a resilience to support us no matter the challenges we face.

My hope is to ‘Inspya ‘ you to Breathe Well, Move Well + Live Well!

How can I support YOU? ~ in-person with classes, retreats or private session OR with my online studio membership (FREE 7 Day Trial), or send me an email below, let’s chat.

I hope to meet you soon.