How can I become more flexible? Body + Mind?

It may seem logical that to become more flexible we must stretch more, but in actual fact it will have very little effect if the following is not part of your practice.  We each have different body types which includes the shape and mobility of our joints, elasticity of our tendons and ligaments, which will to a degree limit our flexibility (that is you may never be in Cirque de Soleil, fit folded inside a suitcase or even press your heels to the floor in Downward Facing Dog ~ however each being unnecessary and not an indication of your flexibility).   It's not ideal to be too flexible as this can cause instability, leading to possible injuries.  We want to be supple - a balance of strength and flexibility instead of one or the other, in fact key to being flexible is to have strength also.  Lacking strength in stabiliser muscles means external muscles hold tension to compensate for joint weakness or misalignment, and these bigger muscles will NEVER shift into flexibility by stretching because they are unwilling to let go as there'll be no support in the joint.  I'm forever hearing about my client's lifetime of 'working on hamstrings' flexibility....and never getting anywhere. Becoming more flexible in the body directly relates to the flexibility of our mindset ~ and here's how you can improve both.

Learn how to breathe correctly! That's it!  Yes that is it.  With an efficient day-to-day breath you will create a naturally strong supple core, improve your posture and realign your joints which releases unnecessary tension in compensating bigger muscle groups.  Effective breathing allows your pelvis, spine, ribcage, shoulders (all your joints) to have more flexibility as they fluidly expand and contract on each breath (check out this video for a visual!).  With correct breathing we are more alkalised, less acidic (another cause of joint stiffness and muscle tension) and feel more energised and vitalised. 

One of the most powerful benefits of breathing well is we use it to let go ~ not just the muscles but the Mind ... ... stress and constant busyness is most often the reason for the muscle tension in the first place. Breathing practices provide us with a more 'go with the flow' attitude, reducing the need to control or hold onto fears as tension in the body, we become more resilient and adaptable to change.  The breath provides us with empowerment, positivity, strength, courage, a sense of connection and peace ~ our ability to 'trust', to release stress and anxieties.  There is always change and unknown to face, the breath provides us with the support as we navigate challenges and stability of our mental health.  

Our physical body is merely a by-product of the mind. With breath awareness we have within us a brilliant tool to cope with anything and the body will respond in ultimate health when we do!

Are you aware of how you breath? Notice what happens to your breath when you feel stress or resistance, be it in your body or a situation in your life.  We tend to hold it or shallow breathe which prevents us from moving past the feeling and in fact, makes us more tense and inflexible.  Change the way you breathe and you will move through it, whatever it is.  You can let it go, and your body will follow.

Check out Inspya Yogi + my dear friend and personal PT Tam Kerr's testimonial below on how her past year of breath work has so profoundly impacted her - she did leave out that her nose is now on her knees in forward folds, but clearly by what she's written that seems the least impressive result!  

Join me for a private Meditation & Breathwork Coaching session or your Online Membership to improve your breathing efficiency,  some suggestions below in your library;

Want to get a little more physical? check out these practices online;

May we breathe our way into being more flexible in mind and body and be open to change, releasing resistance and tensions.

Namaste, Nic Whiteman

Tam’s Testimonial

"I’m going to keep this short because I could write an essay about Nic and what she has taught me, especially what I have really listened to recently. I’ve known Nic for 6yrs and I’ve dabbled in breathing and Yoga with her during this time, but to be honest 100 burpees has been a hell of a lot more inviting to me than lying over a bolster being just in my own thoughts. I never felt like I quite grasped the concept of why breath was so damn important and if I’m being truthful I didn’t even realise how poorly I was breathing for most of my life until recently. Over the past 11 weeks I’ve had to undergo some rehabilitation on an old injury and for the first time in my life I’ve not been able to exercise, and for those that know me taking away my exercise is pretty much taking away my life. But I’ll tell you something really cool that I never expected to happen, I don’t miss it that much!! Why? Because I’ve replaced it with daily breathwork and yoga with Nic and I’m absolutely addicted, I have felt my nervous system calm down more and more each day, my mind is clear and focused and I am more motivated than ever, and for the first time in I don’t even know how long my body feels relaxed and bloody hell I'm even a bit flexible haha never thought I’d say that.

I’ve stretched a lot over the years but now that I know how to actually use my breath whilst stretching I can see the incredible benefits it’s having on my body. I’ll always go back to my training I love it, but I will NEVER give up my breath work and I’m hungry to learn and do more and even pass this onto my own clients. Nic you’re one in a million, I can’t even thank you enough for changing my world , ....she’s probably like I told you all this for 6 years haha I’m a slow learner. Please if you think you know how to breathe “YOU PROBABLY DON’T” if you are feeling inflexible or stressed in any way, and you need this more than you know. Nic has an incredible talent in teaching breathwork and I believe it will honestly change your life as it has mine."

by Tam Kerr - visit Tam here and checkout her online fitness + nutrition programs ~ her training concept is super special because she approaches each individual as a whole, not just a body….oh and she incorporates the importance of breath! Follow her here @tam_kerr

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Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

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