Is your lower back being a pain?

Do you suffer from lower back pain or injury? Depending on your condition some movements can either hinder or help - not all Yoga is good Yoga for a lower back ~ some Yoga will worsen certain conditions. It’s common to suffer lower back conditions when feeling fatigue and overwhelm, a lot of uncertainty and change occuring. One of the main causes of acute lower back pain ….is neglect! So if this is you, read on. If it’s just a niggle - here’s an opportunity to make sure it doesn’t get any further, if it’s more than a niggle it’s not too late I’ve created online practices to provide relief and ongoing maintenance based on functional movement and foundational core strengthening - gentle and safe for you to do at home. It’s been my specialty for 18years working with acute lower back conditions.

Watch my Loving My Lower Back Awareness video and in less than 20 minutes empower yourself with learning;

  • what could be causing your pain

  • what to avoid (movements in your day or in a Yoga class)

  • tips on what to practice in order to alleviate pain and heal

Click here for a 3 DAY FREE TrialStrong Back - Open Front’ 15mins of back body strength - ideal if you have weak lumbar, suffer lumbar or SIJ pain, sit or stand for long periods, carry a lot through the day as well as the rest of my Loving My Lower Back Series ~ this playlist 28 x practices varying in length could be your ultimate go-to to relieve pain and is ideal for even the most acute conditions, it’s progressive so you start gentle and build strength safely.

Did you know it's common to mis-diagnose sciatica or lumbar disc herniation when it's actually Sacra-Iliac Joint Dysfunction?! I have had plenty of feedback from clients who have watched my Is it My Lower Back or my SIJ in pain? video or my  Sacred SIJ Awareness video and realised they now have a new remedy at their fingertips, knowing what aggravates, what to avoid, and simple tips on how to relieve!

It is important to consider ourselves as a whole being in order to heal. Every physical condition I have ever had has provided me with an opportunity to understand myself deeper and make adjustments to my choices in life. We are not just our bodies ~ our joints, organs, muscles and energy flow are impacted by our state of mind and emotions. I have long considered all forms of pain, regardless of whether we can pinpoint what we believe is the 'cause', as a chance to look at where I am at in my life and re-assess, re-align. Our bodies are the barometers of our Soul and sometimes we need to be reminded when we’re making life choices bringing us out of alignment with our higher Self. It starts as a niggle, and when we do not pay attention it can turn into a scream. When with discomfort I’ll ask myself "do I need to adjust my life choices?" ~ every time I have been shown the way and thankful for the ‘niggle’ (or scream sometimes) that brought my attention to changes I needed to make. So don’t forget to ask your lower back - if there is something you need to be doing differently.

Lower back is associated with Sacral Chakra, when there is disruption of energy flow in this area and conditions show up it can be associated with feelings of instability in finances, relationships (to Self or others), neglecting to nurture Self (too rigid, no rest and forcing high/unreasonable expectations, self-sabotage), feeling not in control, rejecting authority (feeling restricted, unable to trust in it's purpose), feeling unsupported, not setting clear firm boundaries (not trusting Self as an authority), lacking in passion, adaptability, playfulness and creativity.

If your condition is unique or acute please consider a Private Yoga Session with me online or in-person ~ I’d love to help you find your way to healing your Self.

Namaste, Nic Dorsch

Practices in your online library suitable for lower backs;Loving My Lower Back AwarenessSacred SIJ AwarenessCore AwarenessLoving My Lower Back Series I, II, IIICore Setup 1 & 2Core Series I & IIPelvic Floor Tune UpProne Functional Pelvic Pat…
Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

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