A strong back + open front


One of the many goals of Yoga is to find within both strength and flexibility of body and mind, so that we can live fully and fearlessly. This core message of Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness embodies this and is a reminder of where I wish to arrive, who I want to step into each day. To me a strong back is our ability to uphold ourselves, live with integrity, stay true to our beliefs, be strong when others need us. A soft front is open, brave and having compassion for those around us and accepting them as they are, choosing kindness always.   A wild heart is one that can tolerate the ride of emotional fluctuations, jolts and stirs of this crazy world, whilst staying true to our essence and deepest nature, love.

Our physical body is a result of our mindset, especially those unconscious habits and ways of being. When we are strong and supple of body our mind reflects this as resilient and open, which is why any discipline or practice of body is imperative to our state of mind. A spine that is too rigid is just as vulnerable as an unsupported one.  All too often our so-called strength (or force) comes from fear not love, instead of having a strong back, many of us have a defended front shielding a weak spine.  In other words, we walk around brittle, defensive and competitive, trying to conceal our lack of confidence and insecurities.  If we strengthen our backs and develop a spine that is flexible but stable, we can then risk having a front that is soft and open, representing loving kindness.  The place in your body where these two meet - strong back and soft front - is a brave yet tender heart.


How can we move past fear into a place of genuine tenderness, giving and accepting care with a strong and supported back, a soft-front of compassion?  I believe it comes about when we can be truly transparent, seeing the world clearly - and willing to let the world see into us.

What does having a strong back and soft front mean to you? 

Try these online practices to embrace your strong back, soft front and wild heart;

  • Strong Back - Open Front 15mins (previously named Posterior Chain Strengthener) is perfect for you if you;

    • sit for long periods of time, including cyclists

    • fold forward and lift/carry a load all day

    • play a sport that folds in the front body, or kicks forwards repetitively

    • feel your posture is rounding or hunching over

    • have back strain, lumbar - mid-back - neck conditions

    • have difficulty breathing deeply

    • have tight quadriceps / hipflexors, weak spinal muscles / glutes / hamstring (Posterior Chain)

    • lack confidence, feel fearful or resistant

    • if the blog above either inspired or triggered you in any way ;-)

  • Bent for Backbends 60mins prepare for and take your backbends even deeper, safe, but oh so opening!

  • Heart Flow & Meditation 60mins flowing with the spine into gentle back bends and heart openers, breath work and meditation.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation 8mins to release stress, fear and tension and come to rest in your compassionate loving nature.

Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!


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