How to relieve Arthritis….

Well what is Arthritis?

This latin word translates as 'Arthr = joint' 'itis = inflammation'.  The main symptoms are joint pain, stiffness and swelling.  The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis causes cartilage (the protective 'helmet' at the end of bones where they form a joint) to break down, and you'll perhaps have heard the term 'bone on bone'. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune condition in which the immune system attacks the joints and organs, and the discomfort can 'travel' around effecting different joints - for a while it might be knees, then it might be fingers, perhaps an entire body ache.


In my 20 years as a Yoga teacher I would say most my students over 60yrs have filled in my confidential client forms ticking YES to some form of arthritis somewhere in the body.  Over this time I can confidently say many of those have said after practicing Yogalates (which I will explain why not Yoga or Pilates) from 2 weeks to only a few months have either had complete relief, or have at least learnt how to provide relief when pain arises.   They think it's miraculous ~ but I think its because of this ......

The truth is so many self-diagnosing arthritis are almost instantly relieved by LIMBERING (gentle rotation of the joints).  If it is simply 'joint inflammation' and not an underlying disease, the inflammation does move and release when you rotate the joint (even more so if you use gravity in your favour!)   It also prepares the joint for loading - improving alignment, hydration and shock absorbency. 

It's also really important to include dietary changes (reducing acidic foods + drinks), herbs + supplements to support reducing inflammation in the body. 

There are arthritic conditions that the relief may only be short-lived and returns perhaps because of being sedentary, an acidic or inflammatory food, or an underlying disease.  Nonetheless I believe worth the effort, for temporary relief and prevention of worsening the condition of the joint.

Limbering the joints is imperative to finding relief whether it has longevity or is only temporary, keeping the joint sedentary WILL cause the condition to worsen and the inflammation over time is more difficult to release and can cause calcification, limiting the joints range of movement dramatically.....and in turn the whole body's discomfort and restricted living. 

The reason I say 'Yogalates' is because every single class commences with limbering of each joint in the body - join me below 'Limber with Me' and 'Chair Yoga III'.  It's not common to limber joints in a general Yoga nor Pilates class....perhaps if you have a fabulously wise teacher they include it!  But generally it is not part of their training curriculum, whereas it's paramount in Yogalates Teacher Training.


For those of you who experience joint pain, stiffness or swelling - have a play with the practices below and find some relief.  In my Breathe + Move with Nic online studio there are 340+ practices, and in the Gentle Practices + Arthritis Relief playlist there are 50+ simple practices (including those below) providing preparation with limbering plus mindful movements including Chair Yoga and Theraband + hand weights strengthening practices - with all the tips + tricks to keep you comfortable.  You can access this full playlist with the 3 Day FREE Trial to my membership, cancel anytime, thereafter from $1/day to subscribe.

FREE access until 21st December 2024 to 4 x practices perfect for Arthritis relief;

  • Limber with Me ~ 13mins of rotations of every joint in the body, reduces 'inflammation', improves hydration and nourishment in the joint to the cartilage, prepares the joints for loading and strength work - great to do this before any other practice or exercise.  No props needed.

  • Bit of Knee Love - 20mins to reduce inflammation, stretch out hamstrings, quads + calves, realign knee and improve knee flexion.  All you need is a beach towel.

  • Quick Knee Relief ~ 15mins an awesome daily maintenance for hips + knees + ankles + feet! preparing your knees for other exercise or a Yoga practice, perfect for inflammation or arthritic knees.  You'll need a Theraband for this one.

  • Chair Yoga III ~ a complete 60min practice on a chair, don't be fooled by the idea of chair being easy, it's definitely making it find MORE out of the moves and poses so you can DO more!  Includes breathing, limbering, and whole body practice.  You just need a stable chair with no arm rests.

Hope you can join me on the mat to breathe and move AND LIMBER!

Namaste, Nic

Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

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Knees a bit niggley?