Yoga Nidra gives you super powers over your brains frequencies!

Want less Monkey Mind directing your life? ….better sleep? …reduce stress on your nervous system + adrenals? ….access your intuition + use it to guide your life choices?

The key is spending time exercising your brain wave frequency state with a regular practice of Yoga Nidra!

Just like you would exercise + challenge your core to make it stronger, we do the same with our brain waves. Yoga Nidra—known as yogic sleep—is a conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. 30mins of Yoga Nidra can be as restorative as four hours of regular sleep.  The goal of a Yoga Nidra practice is to take our brain waves into a Theta & Delta state.  As we master this we are able to control which brain waves we are needing at any given time, it is said Einstein had this control, as do Monks and spiritual leaders. We are also able to slow down our brains frequency and access our higher intelligence (improve decision making), manage physical pain, reduce stress on adrenals + nervous system (including prevent/manage conditions that result from stress), alter our mood, improve sleep, greater creativity, an ability to understand and see other perspectives - the bigger picture, access our intuition (become your own authority instead of needing external direction). Sounds like a good super power to have right?!

Throughout our day the brain's frequencies are as per the pic below, however our emotional state impacts which frequency we exist in.  In a state of stress or anxiety we may not be moving below Beta, in a state of depression we may not be accessing Gamma.  I know there are a few kindred + nerdy spirits who would want to check out all the amazing abilities we have in each frequency so click here - it's super informative!

The first time I tried Yoga Nidra, I was both skeptical and curious. But that first session brought me to a totally relaxed, blissful state, and as I’ve explored the practice over the years, I’ve experienced the profound benefits and ways Yoga Nidra can benefit, heal, and transform you to new heights. I have found having a regular practice of Yoga Nidra overtime is guaranteed to provide you with the benefits listed and more!

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

    •    Reduce insomnia

    •    Decrease anxiety

    •    Alleviate stress

    •    Reduce PTSD, chronic pain and chemical dependency

    •    Heighten awareness and focus, access higher intelligence

    •    Transform negative habits, behaviors and ways of thinking

    •    Foster feelings of peace, calm, and clarity

How is Yoga Nidra different to meditation?”

Yoga Nidra is practiced laying down (in Savasana) as opposed to seated.  It is guided by a teacher taking you on a journey in focus, as opposed to using breath, mudra, mantra as the anchor in meditation.  During Yoga Nidra you move into the state of conscious deep sleep. You are no longer in the waking state of consciousness, but you also move past the dreaming state of consciousness and into the deep sleep state. However, your mind is actually awake, so it’s often discussed as the state between being asleep and awake "psychic sleep". This is why it is said that Yoga Nidra is so restorative for the body. In both practices, the mind is conscious, in Yoga Nidra, the body is in a more restful state. Search for binaural sounds in Spotify to improve your work, rest or play time!  I am always listening to binaural beats when I write my blogs, it's the best way to get my brain waves in the creative flow.

Gift yourself time to include a a regular Yoga Nidra in your week this week, even better over the next 3 weeks to experience the some benefits mentioned even this quickly.  TIP:  eye pillows can help take you deeper because of the heaviness placed over the eyelids encourages deeper internalisation!

Enjoy your beloved + masterful brain Yogis!

Namaste, Nic Dorsch

Visit NEW PLAYLIST ~ Yoga Nidra Meditations in your Inspya Me Online Yoga + Meditation Studio (3 Days FREE to TRIAL) for you to explore;

  • Sweet Savasana - relaxation of your entire body for a deep restful sleep

  • Short'n Sweet Savasana - a shorter version of the above

  • The Space Between Thought Meditation - practice discerning your thoughts and allow yourself to be ok in the ‘nothingness’ in between them, gradually creating a longer ‘nothingness’

  • Releasing Negativity Meditation - a guided journey into releasing the negative patterns of thought so you can instead manifest what you want + attract opportunities

  • Go With The Flow Guided Meditation - practice allowing your mind + body to release control and go into trusting the flow of life, releasing nervous tension of anxiety associated with needing to control external world

  • Chakra Healing ~ Yoga Nidra - going deeper into your spiritual Self, your energetic being + establish a connection to your emotional state of being

  • Healing Stars Meditation - establish a deep faith + connection to your ability to heal yourself from physical conditions

Yoga Nidra's in your online membership to try this week;Sweet SavasanaShort'n Sweet SavasanaManifestation MeditationThe Space Between Thought MeditationGo With The Flow Guided MeditationChakra Healing - Yoga NidraKeep your eyes peeled for several mo…
Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

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