4 necessities for a strong core!

Firstly, nope it's not about working on your abs! For many the relationship to our 'core' can feel like a mythical notion or as I have heard so often "I just don't have one!"  Firstly let's get out of the way what your core isn't ~ it is not the appearance or firmness of abs, nor something you strengthen doing sit-ups or curl-ups (nor anything else where your spine is flexing forwards, backwards, side-to-side nor twisting). Nor when you're being told to draw your ‘navel to spine’ (a somewhat dysfunctional archaic Pilates cue ), nor clenching your butt.   Lack of strength in your core is directly impacted by how you feel emotionally and mentally (depleted, lacking confidence, courage, will power, personal drive), how you stand in posture, and how you breathe. By strengthening your true core you’ll feel more empowered and strengthened emotionally and mentally.  

Our Core is not necessarily strengthened by intense exercise. The 4 x necessities that will give you a strong enduring CORE;

  1. Improve your Functional Breathing ~ your true core consists of Pelvic Floor, Diaphragm, Transverse Abdominus + Multifidis muscles (which also happen to be your breathing muscles).  Visualise an apple in the lower half of your torso. Your diaphragm at the base of the rib cage is the top of the core, your pelvic floor at the base of the pelvic bowl is the bottom of the core. On the exhale you are shaped like an eaten apple core; the pelvic floor contracts upwards and diaphragm relaxes up into a mushroom shape at the base of the chest cavity, the deep core abdominals draw in the front of the torso, the waist and the lumbar curve giving an hourglass shape, or like a corset.  On the inhale you are a complete untouched apple; as the diaphragm contracts downwards the contents of the abdomen expand front back and sides, the waist widens, belly softens, lumbar curve slightly flattens. The digestive + reproductive organs are pressed down and pelvic floor catches them like a little mini-trampoline.  Watch this informative video ‘Core Awareness ~ What is your Core?’ for an awesome animated visual of this which you can never unsee, so you can visualise and develop it within! Then put it into action yourself in Core Breathing practice

  2. Correcting your posture by balancing the more external muscles which support your true core muscles.  ie equal strength, flexibility and alignment of front body vs the back body, and left vs right. That being the Hamstrings vs Quadriceps, Glutes vs Hip Flexors (Psoas), Six Pack muscle vs Spinal + Lumbar Muscles, left vs right Obliques, chest muscles vs mid-back muscles, front of shoulder vs back of shoulder (rotator cuffs + pecs in balance).  This alignment and balance of the torso then stabilises the carriage of the head above rib cage above pelvic bowl and natural spinal curves AND GUESS WHAT ~ the core naturally is in tone as is our ability to have an efficient breath! Try it out in this practice ‘Setting up Neutral Spine with Core Activation

  3. Challenging the body with load + movement whilst in Neutral Spine with functional breathing.  All these muscle pairs above move us out of neutral spine + pelvis when one is contracted.  Our true core is most effective when in neutral. eg Plank Pose, Cat balance, Yogalates core work, Warrior III, Chair pose + squats.  Put your Core to the test with these practices in the True Core Strength playlist ~ Core Series I, II, III, IV, V + so many more

  4. Manage your stress levels + emotional state of being ~ all of the above mentioned is not as effective unless we have either reduced our stress state, the breathing will certainly support this, but more often than not lifestyle changes are required also. Our body is a reflection of our state of mind.  We cannot reach peak physical strength if we are mentally and emotionally depleted.  Having a good nights sleep is imperative, try playlist Improve My Sleep breathing practices + restorative Yoga. Meditation, breathwork and mindset tools set us in good stead for a strong CORE of Self. Developing your Core Breathing (practice for free) calms the nervous system, the adrenals, develops core muscle tone, clears the mind - you will love it!

You will find many more practices in Breathe + Move with Me membership ~ playlist True Core Strength (free 24hr trial then $30/month) to develop your awareness of breath, neutral spine, challenge core loading in your Yoga asana + flow to improve your strong + supple CORE.

Namaste, Nic Dorsch

My favourite Core Awareness practices:Core Awareness video - provides a greater understanding and an unforgettable animated imagery of the breath and your core in action! CLICK HERE TO VIEW FOR FREE WITHOUT MEMBERSHIPCore Setup 1, 2 & 3- especia…
Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!


Deep Breathing + how it supports weight loss, inflammation, organ function .....and our mental health!


Pelvic Floor ~ why + how can we support it?