Are you CREATING your state of being?

It’s a magical time to be on Earth right now - yes I do believe this!  I know it in my every cell that we will be looking back on this time saying “It was so necessary for this to happen”… the trick is to live within this time with that in mind instead of fear and stress.  It’s a time to be truly mindful of the beauty of what really is happening.  It’s an opportunity for each and everyone of us to become stronger, more resilient.

Whilst there are restrictions, uncertainty, drastic change, fear and scaremongering, we have THE CHOICE to live this time as a VICTIM of these circumstances or choosing to be the CREATOR of our own lives.   Victim consciousness is when we allow something in our outer environment to control the way we think, feel and act.  It all comes down to where we place our energy and attention, for that is what we are growing.  If we focus outwardly we deplete our energy and create a stress response in our body ~ is this how you are feeling? This stress response leads to reduced immunity and dis-ease. So instead I invite you to become your fully vitalised Self!

How do we shift out of stress mode into CREATION mode?  We take our attention off the people around us, the things we have or want, the places we think we need to be and time, especially TIME.  Open your awareness to energy, SPACE and your vitality.  Release feelings of survival, stop judging, analysing and focussing on what needs to change ~ trade them in by allowing heartfelt feelings of GRATITUDE, APPRECIATION, KINDNESS, CARE, LOVE FOR LIFE, JOY.  For what we focus on grows. Be aware of what you are giving your precious energy towards.

Gift yourself this heartfelt time for 5mins at the beginning and end of each day and you WILL REVERSE any feelings of stress and helplessness.  You WILL SHIFT INTO an elevated state of your own CREATION AND SPACE.  Don’t just read this and simply believe me (or doubt it)….try it out ~ this is YOUR LIFE we’re talking about!  

All that we have been working on within ourselves our entire lives is playing out in the now and if we embrace it can provide us with long-lasting resilience.  It truly comes down to a willingness to GIVE TO YOURSELF by releasing anything that gets in the way, so you are open to receive.

This last year and a half has required a lot of releasing and acceptance in every area of my life. What I have created so far is more ME than I have ever been before! My home is my sacred space, my business has gone off in wonderfully surprising directions ~ including creating an entire 550hr Yogalates + Yoga Philosophy Teacher Training ONLINE only program, as well as becoming the voice over for a floatation tank franchise (LOL!)

It is incredibly important to stay focussed and self-aware in order to manage these once again shifting times.  Go inward, because your strong inner-self and personal reality is where you are in control.  From here is where YOU CREATE.

Here’s how I CREATE;

  • I choose what I watch and listen to and am aware of how my energy responds (I don’t have a TV so this is relatively easy for me, I do have to edit my settings in my phone to limit my time on Social Media)

  • I choose the topic of conversations with others which I wish to engage in

  • I choose who to share my precious energy with

  • I sit and write for 5mins every morning “I release…..”

  • I sit and write for 5mins every evening “I create….”

  • I spend my precious (yet strangely limitless) time focussing on what it is I wish to create

  • NO THING gets in the way of the above ;-)

Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

My word for 2021 ~ JOMO


The secrets behind why I became a Yoga teacher