The secrets behind why I became a Yoga teacher

From how my online videos, teaching, social media and website pictures present often people mistakenly assume it comes easy for me. I can promise you this could not be further from the truth. As you can see from the above video Yoga has healed me on so many many levels, providing me with support and relief for over 27 years. Some of you have known me for most of my 17yrs of teaching and some even longer, and have witnessed me move through many of those mentioned.  For many years now, 5 going on 10yrs for most of them, I honestly no longer suffer from a single one, not even a niggle of a reminder.  Some of these conditions I had instant relief from once I was cued to move the right way for me, some discreetly disappeared after I persevered over time. But I wouldn’t know any of them today. Blessed to find my teachers, now I can pass it on. 

Our bodies and minds are phenomenal and when we put intention with action into practice magic occurs ~ that’s the only way I can describe it. From years of experience as a teacher and working one to one with students in rehabilitation, breath work and mindful movement combined with the 47 years in this crazy awesome body full of lessons I am so passionate about sharing it ALL with you.

This is what my online studio is - it’s all in there packaged up for you ~ Yoga for every BODY!  Find out more here. Because YOGA HEALS and I can show you how to do it. I have a number of tricks up my sleeve let me share them with you. 

What are you healing? Email me ask how I can support you with your journey.

Inspya Me Membership is Yoga for every BODY and includes specialised playlists so you can modify and adapt your yoga at home. It’s an education in Yoga and it’s personal. For $1 day. Members get a FREE 15min online private consult every 3 months so we can keep your home practice alive. Click here to learn more - get 25% off your first month membership.

Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

Are you CREATING your state of being?


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