Plot Twist: The magic carpet was a….Yoga mat
You know how every time you land on your mat, how you arrived is never the same as how you feel when you leave it right? When we land on our Yoga mat we make the time to listen. Is your Soul speaking to you through your body's niggles and discomforts?
Yoga gives us the opportunity to tune in and feel our way through the body in shapes, using the breath to release tension and emotion, negative thoughts, gifting ourselves the time so we can ask what is required. Meditation provides the space to be aware and listening to the answer. Here's where our Yoga mat becomes our magic carpet in transformation! I have long believed this to be the case for me - our body is the barometer of our Soul. Every niggle, injury or condition has been a message from my Soul guiding my direction, my choices and my actions. I wouldn't be where and who I am today if I hadn't taken the time to listen to each one (and there have been many, including a recent knee reconstruction which gave me a huge and blessed right hand turn in my business journey!)
Most of us spend all our time in our heads busy with thought and emotion, distracting from truly listening to any niggles, suppressing aches and pains, even numbing them with pain killers when they are chronic. What if every niggle was an opportunity to ask "What is it I need to do/change/adjust to heal?" What if every ignored niggle lead to dis-ease and you have the opportunity to prevent illness and conditions by taking the time asking this one question.
Each time you land on your mat check in with what your needs are on the day, every day is different so our practice will be different, even down to left and right sides different (so pause me when you need more on one side;-). Are you practicing with an injury and need to offer that body part your presence and ask what is required? Ignoring the body's messages will not make them go away, it makes them louder. Taking time to respond to our body's messages is ultimately liberating our Soul.
Did you know Inspya Me Online provides unique practices designed to support a variety of conditions - use drop down 'Class Types' for Knowing My Knees,Loving My Lower Back,Sacred SIJ, Support My Shoulders Neck & Wrists~ there is also aHow To Guideto help you navigate your way through the online library for specialised practices for beginners, Over 60's, anxiety, depression and anything else YOU request from me......there are even suggestions for which practices to do when you have no props.
Offer for new subscribers valid today only 31st July use coupon code INSPYAME$20 to get one month membership for price of day pass $9.95 - click here.
Enjoy your weekend in wellness Yogis take a ride on your magic carpet!! See suggestions to practice with below.
Nic Whiteman
Practicing with intention of mind & mindfulness in body with these favourites:
Sacred SIJ Series - 'Pelvic & Spinal Stability Flow' OR 'A Stable Base' for supporting pelvis and lumbar, grounding the mind
Yogi Prehab for preparing before you practice to avoid injury
Loving My Lower Back Series learning how to maintain your posture and any lumbar issues
Knowing My Knees Series poses that will not cause further injury plus providing you with all the rehabilitation and alignment needs to safely practice Yoga with
Support My Shoulders Neck & Wrists Series avoiding postures that aggravate shoulder injury, providing rehabilitation. Also try Chasing Chaturanga to protect the joint in Vinyasa flow practices.
Yogalates Theraband + Foam Roller practices for repair and rehabilitation
Mind Over Matter - Hatha Yoga finding presence in the body
Meditation on the Breath to find space and quieten the Mind
Apana (Grounding) Kriya Meditation to follow on from any Yogalates/Yoga practice to release mental clutter and open the space in mind to listen to messages