Long hours in your ‘work posture’ and need a lil Yoga?
Think about the pattern your body makes while you spend hours at work.......are you seated, do you cross your legs, do you fold forward repetitively and pick things up.....what is your repeated body pattern when you are at work? Do you have other activities or hobbies that create a similar shape?
Unless we regularly play with the opposing ranges of movement with our hips, spine and shoulders then this will become our permanent shape as we grow older. Postural defects are the primary cause of 'unexplained' injuries. We are shortening and compressing one angle of the joint and weakening and lengthening the opposing angle. Especially anyone over 40 with injury, when you can see a repeated body shape pattern you have in your day, and have had for many many years,........the only way to maintain and potentially reverse injury is to repeatedly create the opposite shape. Just like the old saying what goes up must come down, what bends forward must bend backward. So how long have you created that shape today?
When our posture is impacted so is our psychological state, nervous system, organ function, breathing, energy levels and even our personality!
Below are 3 simple poses to reverse postural dysfunction depending on what your repeated pattern is. Check them out and add them to your day, or try these short online practices you can easily bring into your work time to realign and enliven the body AND THE MIND;
Express Desk Yoga 10mins ~ quick relief for shoulders hips & spine.
Kitchen Yoga 15mins ~ all you need is a bench or table top to open every single body part!
Strong Back - Open Front 15mins ~ especially great for long seated or standing and picking up loads - yes awesome for tradies, cyclists, couch or desk dwellers!
Desk Yoga 20mins ~ whole body moves to reverse stagnant seated posture plus breath work for mind focus and clarity!
Chair Yoga I, II & III 60mins - a complete Yoga practice using a chair as your prop!
50% OFF DURING LOCKDOWN UNTIL 9TH JULY TO MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP ~ $16.50/month for unlimited access to 220+ Yoga and Meditation videos - view online studio here.
Enjoy your week ahead Yogis
Namaste, Nic Whiteman
3 Awesome moves to turn your day around…and your body….and your mind!
Been sitting or folded forward from standing for long periods of time?
Crescent Lunge strengthens glutes, opens front of hips, strengthens spine + mid-back, opens front of spine, chest + shoulders, improves balance and boosts energy levels. Hold for 10-30 breaths.
Been using arms out in front all day - hands resting on keyboard or you're picking up and carrying loads?
Gomukhasana opens shoulders, collar bones + lung, lengthens triceps. Use strap in hands if they don't clasp. Hold for 10-20 breaths.
Been on your feet all day?
Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall) relieves tired feet, aching legs, varicose veins - great for tradies, hairdressers, teachers ....anyone! Hold for 3-5mins.