How you could 'Retreat' yourself and Why?

The meaning of ‘retreat’ is from the latin verb to “pull back”.  To go on, or take a retreat provides an opportunity to withdraw from our usual daily habituals, from the world, to find a quiet secluded place to heal, nourish, reset, detox….to remember what's important. It’s about creating the space so we can let go of what’s not serving us, to release stress. Sometimes when we are amidst the busy it's difficult to see clearly and know what we need to adjust, nor have the time and energy to make the adjustment. It's a period of time to focus on your inner world instead of all attention on the outer world.

Before anything can expand it must contract, for me a retreat is a retraction from everything that draws on my energy, my attention, my time- so then I can be inspired, prepare for spaciousness and fill back up with what it is I need to expand and feel revitalised. Reconnecting with what is most important, that which aligns with me most.

Inspya’s next two retreats in the Blue Mountains November and April have sold out and the waitlists are full. Something tells me many of us are craving recouperation at the moment! Coming soon are the dates for new local NSW 2021 Retreats - if you would like be first to know the details register here.

In the meantime I have created a 3 Day Virtual Retreat - Detox & Destress in the comfort of your own home(or on a weekend away),creating the space, a gift to yourself to unwind and reset. I share with you my Ayurvedic recipes (+ instructional video on how to) and daily habits so you can prepare your detoxing and nourishing meals for the weekend (just the once in a slow cooker - yup no cooking all weekend!).  Yoga practices, Meditations and journalling so you can detox your mind and your body.  You can experience it any 3 consecutive days you like from 1st October 2020, and repeat any time you like for 3 months after you purchase.  This time for you will give back more than you could imagine.  Plus it’s an affordable alternative until the real thing can happen.  Check out the details here

I hope you can join me on retreat soon!  Enjoy your week Yogis.  

Namaste, Nic Whiteman

Nic Dorsch

Your personal Yoga & Meditation Coach who’s passionate about assisting you exploring your Yoga. Regardless of your age, ability, body type, fitness, condition or injury, I can guide you through moving well, breathing well, so you live well ~ whether that be with me in-person on a Retreat, Workshop or Private Session, or in the comfort of your own space with my online studio membership. It’s not just regular Yoga, its an education in Yoga, your Body, your Breath.

Breathe Well, Move Well, Live Well!

Ever been curious what foods, lifestyle and activities make you calm or drive you crazy?


Is your body whispering to you? Listen closely and you won’t have to hear it scream