Want to know which pose is the king of all Yoga ‘asana’?
It might not be what you expect however I can assure you when we master it we master ourselves. As we make our way through postures in our Yoga practice one of the wonderful benefits is that we give our mind something to focus on ~ as we experience the body, the breath, moving into shapes and being completely present in Mind. However this presence is surprisingly much easier to do when we are in physically challenging poses like Warriors, balances or a headstand. To hold these Asana (poses) our body requires 'alertness' (or perhaps demands it with a deep burn;-) from the mind. Yet as we complete our practice in 'Savasana' (corpse pose) having made it comfortable, there are no body parts demanding the mind's presence so it has opportunity to drift away with thought. Many treat it like the rewarding nap time after exertion of practice, or a chance to checklist your day, shopping list or create your dream life. Sleep and Savasana are not the same thing (but it does mean you are human if it happens from time to time, and No, snoring is not a deep Ujjayi breath ;-)
If you want to master your Self this is where it's at. In Savasana. You are awake yet at rest ~ an incredible skill to master! Laying completely still, without fidgeting, without drifting off, with an awareness of each thought yet not 'in' thought. Surrendered into presence and awareness. You know when you've achieved a deep Savasana when you've remained awake and when withdrawing from the pose it feels like an incredible effort to remember how to feel your fingers and toes, and it takes time to land back in your body, your mind is surrene.
Master this pose and it WILL make all the difference to your every day life, nervous system, physical body tension, stress of the mind, organ function....the lot. You'll notice an ability to truly listen and be present with others without the need to speak or know what you are saying next. All the other Yoga Asana are just leading up to this one pose. Spend time here. It's your gift to your Self.
Spending 5 mins a day in Savasana is an incredible whole being remedy - it's free, it's self-administered, it takes so little time yet gives so much! If I am honest it's the one thing I dislike about my job .... asking students to come out of a deep Savasana - I LOVE that online I get to leave you here as long you need. Click here to try one of these tagged on at the end of your asana practice, let me guide you into your surrendered bliss;
Asana Addict - Savasana - learn options and how to support your best version and the why of Savasana
Sweet Savasana - a Yoga Nidra to take you into deep relaxation
Short'n Sweet Savasana - a short Yoga Nidra
Core Play - Sacral Chakra Flow - completes with Savasana
Yin Restore - Upper Body - completes with Savasana
Hatha - Yin Yang + Meditation - completes with Savasana
Mind Over Matter - Hatha Yoga + Meditation - completes with Savasana
Restorative Yogalates - completes with Savasana